Socialized Dentistry

So, today was my first encounter with socialized dentistry.  Upon hearing that it takes a long time to get any sort of medical appointment I was eager to schedule all four family members annual visits well in advance. Contrary to what I have heard, they were able to give appointments to all four of us over the course of December and January. Maybe this is because my schedule as a university student allows more flexibility. Once we had entered the Finnish modern building and found our way into the minimalist waiting room, I noticed that a kid roughly 11 years old was checking himself in at reception desk!  Curiously, I have notices over the past couple of months of living here in Finland, that grade school children do a lot of things on there own (walking to and from school, going to the mall, taking the bus, etc).

After presenting the lady at the desk with my daughters Kela card, a government issued card that means you qualify for government funded healthcare, she instructed us to have a seat around the corner and wait. Following her instructions we proceeded as we were told and took our seats in the long, sterile, hallway lined with chairs.
We began to look at an issue of Aku Ankka! 
And waited! But not for long! 
Within a couple of minutes were called into a private room and in the chair, under examination! 

Working in sock no less, as it is the custom to remove your shoes when your inside! It's a good clean idea! 

Ten minutes, maybe not even, and we are done.  Everything looks good- I think!?  But for some reason (which I am unable to understand because I speak very little Finnish) we need to come back in January? To be continued...


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