
Our first weekend in Finland we spent two nights at a hotel on the archipelago island of Velkua at the Hotel Vaihela.  It was a small hotel with no more than twenty bedrooms and an “aitta” which is a barn-like cabin that does not have running water.  Roughly a quarter mile away (and through the woods) was a guest harbor. Boaters could rent a space in which to dock their boats nightly.  On Friday evening at midnight you could see ‘kokko” or bonfires dotting the island shores.  Vaihela was truly magical (I found seven four-leaf clovers)!  We spent the time eating, drinking, and dancing into the morning.  Saturday was cold and rainy all day but that did not stop the celebration.  We passed the time watching the  children splash in the frigid seawater and keeping warm in the tent sauna! Ahhh...magical Vaihela!

On one of the ferries to Velkua.

Walking from Vaihela to the docks.

Tent Sauna

Dancing to live music!


Archipelago Islands

Dancing the night away!

Lunch at the hotel with an incredible view!

Cousins on the trampoline

Guest harbor.

Frigid Seawater

Children playing in the sea!

Grilling our dinner by our hotel rooms!

Kiitos Paljon...magical Vaihela!


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